Monday, April 15, 2013

Response to Ariana;s post

What do you think is the most important part in designing a product? Why?

There are many different things that go into designing a product. You start with researching your product idea to see whats already out there. You need to make sure your not interfering with any patents and that your idea is original. You then need to make concept sketches. Show other people your sketches and ask what they think. Then comes prototyping. This is very important because you can get the general idea and layout of your product. you can see what works and does not work and begin to change it. This is the most important part of the process because you need to have a solid prototype before you go ordering expensive parts and mass producing it. If there is something wrong with your prototype and you order 100,000 of them then this is a huge waist of money and really puts your company behind. When it comes to other design considerations of your product it is very important to consider things like ecological and human health damage that it may cause it producing the product and materials for the product. You need to consider how much you will sell it for and how much it costs to make it. Where are you going to make it, overseas or in the US? How many are you going to order for your first shipment? There are a lot of important things in designing a product, but the most important part is the prototype.

Customer service in clothing stores

I went to a shoe store the other day and could not have been more annoyed with the employee hovering over my shoulder and following me around the store. every boot i tried on she would ask if i like it, if i need a different size, a different color and show me similar boots to what i was wearing. I just wanted her to leave me alone so I could look around and not feel pressured. She kept trying to convince me of how worth it it was to spend $100 on a pair of boots. I ended up leaving the store because she was so annoying when maybe i would have bout some if I didnt have to listen to her the whole time. Obviously, she was trying to do her job and be helpful and probably make some extra commission, so where is the happy medium? It is also no help when you are acutually trying to find something and no one is around to help you. But i think when it comes to clothing, most of the time you dont know what your looking for and need to scope it out. So it is painful when you have someone shoving things in your face. I have had experiences where I didnt know if something looked good and the employees, obviously tell me it does but it is reassuring.

Having you ever gone to buy something and had an employee hovering over your shoulder the whole time and got so annoyed you left? Wheres the happy medium?